Sunday, May 4, 2008

Another Skirt

Well, I am on this little sewing is another version of my soon to be perfected twirl skirt....Celestia approves....that's all that matters right?


Becca said...

Great colors, Celistia obviously loves it. You are so talented.

williams family said...

I love all your cool skirts your so great I wish i could make a skirt for Madisyn like that. I was not given the sewing talent!!! lol oh and I love your dining room too very nice!!

The Addams Family said...

You are so talented! I love it!

Valeri said...

Goodness gracious woman! How many kids do you have again? And you still manage to sew skirts? When are you going to offer a course on productivity? I'll be the first in line to sign up!

Andrea said...

Im so glad your mom gave me your blog address, you have an adorable family. Check out what is going on in

Balser said...

Oh my! Karah would be sooo jealous! She wishes her skirts twirled more than they do-she always seems disappointed when they only spin out a little!