After going to the Children's Christmas Party Saturday morning given by David's work, we headed over to the stables on base. It was a glorious day (as David would say). The weather was just perfect..sunny and warm for the 1st of December. Not really planning on it, we had Celestia and Jack experience their first pony ride. For only $5.oo we were able to have a horse to ourselves for a 1/2 hour. Celestia was sooooo excited to ride a horse. Jack was a little apprehensive, but did like it as well. Celestia especially had a great time and said over and over while riding..."Giddy up horsey, giddy up!!!" What a fun day for the family and birthday for Daddy!!!
Jack 17 months old.
Mason 2 weeks old.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Happy Birthday to David!!!
Posted by
10:45 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
He's Here :)
Mason James was born on November 20, 2007 at 2:56 a.m.. He weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. and was 20 inches long. He's just perfect. We are having so much fun having him around. What a big blessing this little guy is!
Here's the story:
I headed to my dreaded 41 week ultrasound appointment at 3:00p.m. on Monday November 19th. They of course said that my fluid levels were low and they were going to have to induce me that evening.
I was actually relieved...just tired of being pregnant. So, we headed over to the hospital and they started me on pitocin a little bit after 6:00p.m....the nurse was SO SLOW....we had been there since 4 p.m..
Once the pitocin was causing me to have regular contractions, the baby's heart rate would drop significantly with each contraction....also, after a few hours....I was not dialating very well, which was quite strange. My last two pregnancies were induced and they were rather fast....this one was not....something was wrong. I, of course, started to worry. C-section was not a word I wanted to hear. They took me off pitocin...then put me back on to see if things would change.
My midwife was starting to get quite concerned about the progression we were making. I could tell by the look on her face as she carefully watched the monitor as I had each contraction.
So, by about 2:30am I had dialated to almost an 8. The baby wasn't doing any better. The only thing we could to was to try and push this little guy out. So, amazingly enough, after only a couple pushes, I was able to push little Mason out. His cord was wrapped around his neck (which was the reason I wasn't progressing well because each time I had a contraction, he couldn't press down enough on the cervix to move his little body on down.) Anyway, I can't tell you how relieved I was that things went okay and he came out screaming. I felt so very blessed!!!
Here are some pictures of him....I hope you enjoy. He is just a little sweetheart.
Posted by
11:35 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Busy Saturday
Today was a busy day at the Taylor house.
Daddy worked all day in the garage sanding, painting and finishing an old dresser, desk and chair for Celestia's room. I must say, I think it looks adorable...I've included some pictures. For a while now she's been living with just her bed in there and no other furniture, so take a look at her new room...she was quite excited about it. Now we just have to paint....she'd like a soft pink, so soon that will happen....
While he was doing that, my mom, Celestia, Jack and I went to a birthday party for our friend Valeri's daughter, Chloe. She turned 2 today. Happy Birthday Chloe!!! It was great seeing her and her family. Her mom was also in town for the party and it was so nice seeing her. I hadn't seen her in years. We had a wonderful time over there....Valeri did such a nice job with everything!
We are still anticipating the arrival of our little baby 1 week late.....I'll for sure keep you all posted!
Thanks to you all for your nice comments...I just love seeing that you are all enjoying my silly postings :)
Posted by
7:18 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Grandma's Here :)
My mom has been visiting us for a week now and my kiddos are getting spoiled! They just LOVE grandma!!! Thank goodness she's here to help the time pass quickly. We've been busy every day running errands, going shopping and going to lunch....oh, and of course out to ice favorite :)
Celestia has been asking grandma everyday to french braid her hair. She loves it! I need to do some practicing to get as good as she is at it.
Grandma is also great at doing laundry, dishes, and every other chore I'd rather not do!!! I'm definetely going to be missing her when she's gone :(
Posted by
6:10 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Celestia's Thanksgiving Party at Preschool
Today was Celestia's last day of school before Thanksgiving. Her class performed a little puppet show and sang a few songs for us moms. Of course it was just adorable!!! And as you can guess I'm still pregnant and feeeling pretty good. Only 4 days past my due date :( Oh well, I am sure the little guy will be here soon. I must say it's been so great having my mom here with us!
Posted by
4:54 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Still Pregnant!!!
Well, my due date has come and past and I am still pregnant. For all who didn't know....I was due on Nov. 11th. We're having another boy....soon I hope!!! My mom is in town to help out, which is great. I will be posting pictures of the new little guy as soon as he pops out, so check back!!
Posted by
12:31 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Captain Jack was definitely a hit on Halloween with his pirate costume. Amazingly he kept his hat on the entire time and had a blast following big sister Celestia around the neighborhood!!!
Posted by
7:24 PM
Hello, hello!!!
Well, can you believe I am following the crowd and starting up my own family blog. Hopefully all will go well and it will be a good way for me to stay in contact with friends and family...especially since life will be getting even busier any day now....with baby #3 on the way....he's finished cooking and just waiting to pop out of the oven!!!
Posted by
7:17 PM